
The Strangle Pattern Approach to Enterprise Legacy System Modernization

As architects help enterprises modernize their core capabilities and transition to modern systems as part of digital transformations, the strangle pattern is a useful pattern in the architect’s repertoire. The idea is to slowly drain the life out of a […]

Architecting Your Enterprise APIs Into a Set of API Experiences and the Demise of the Monolithic API

As organizations move to API-lead approaches to architecture and design new API target states for the organization, the concept of a set of publishing a set of experience based API services no doubt come into play. API Management application vendors […]

The Problem with Mandating Enterprise Target State Architecture

In attempt to standardize, future proof, and keep up with technology standards, organizations are challenged to provide a set of standards in how solutions are architected and implemented. This is reasonable, and I’ve often been tasked with creating and working […]